
How do I change the notifications I receive?

You can change which notifications you receive such as via the 'Journal Entries' section of 'Settings'.

You can access this via clicking on your username on your screen header and then selecting 'Settings'.



From here, click on the 'Notifications' tab found on the left of the screen.



This will present you with options of whether to receive certain notifications via the Website, Email or App (Push).

We recommend that you get your notifications through at least one route, after all, how else will you find out about all the favourites on the picture of your cat wearing the funny hat?!



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    I used to get notifications about landmarks for people I didn't follow, good way to find new journals, is this coming back?

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    How do I control notifications from the community/help pages?

    If I comment I am automatically set to follow the thread and get numerous unwanted emails until I "unfollow". The only options I can see are on my main site Profile where I want e-mails when I get a photo comment from my followers or others. For Community stuff, I would prefer to only see a website notification.

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    Blipfoto Support

    Hi guys,

    @RossMackenzie There was a glitch that prevented you from being notified when other user's reached a milestone. This should now be fixed.

    @DawnP If you write an question, an answer or click "Follow" above a thread, then you will automatically be sent new emails every time that thread is updated. This is so you don't miss an answer to your question. If you don't want to receive any of these emails simply click "Unfollow" at the top of the thread.
