There is/was a theme of flowers for a Friday..FlowerFriday. See these for the latest tags. I seem to recall BikerBear looks after them!!
Is there a Friday theme running at the moment? Is there any demand for one? I've got a few ideas and would be happy to host ...
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There is/was a theme of flowers for a Friday..FlowerFriday. See these for the latest tags. I seem to recall BikerBear looks after them!!
There is a theme of Flower Friday, but I don't see why another theme couldn't be added.......I always fancied Foodie Friday, where you can tag a photo of any edible food for the challenge but on any day of the preceding 7 days. So if you can eat it tag it- like nasturtium flowers of leaves, a lemon, a whole meal, a fish, vegetable, etc etc......
If you build it, they will come. ;-)
We do have FlowerFriday.
You made me very curious about the ideas you have….
I’m with Marlieske. Would be interested in your ideas. Flower Friday is great but it’s not always a good participation fit depending on the season and blippers’ location.
Thanks for all your comments!
I'm thinking about Fine(Art)Friday or similar ... the challenge would be to create something that you'd like put on your wall, a hotel wall, a gallery, or whatever. It could obviously encompass loads of different themes really – minimal, macro, abstract, landscape, architecture, urban, portrait, still-life, night-time ...
I've got a busy couple of weeks coming up, and I'm off on holiday for much of March, so would probably try to launch it in early April if I decide to take the plunge! We shall see :)
Any thoughts gratefully received!
Hello Tim, I had been wondering about a Faffing Friday which would be similar to what you are suggesting. My idea was alliterative but would involve post photo editing or any kind of arty interpretation....
Oooh I like Claire's Faffing Friday!
I am IN for faffing Fridays. doing fine art might also be fun. I look forward to the notification of their start!! perhaps every other Friday for both?? Carolina.
Looking forward to this starting ....